Welcome to meet[THE]lunds

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New Baby for the Myklebust Family!
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Mrs. Lund

For as long as I can remember, my life has revolved around design. Without it, I am incomplete. My house has to have a certain design to it. My dirt bike has to have a certain design to it. My computer has to have a certain design to it. My life has a certain design to it. I often tell my friends that I am “cursed with creativity” because there is never just a second where my brain shuts off. I often cannot sleep due to thinking about what I am going to make next, change, or make better. I have ventured everywhere from high fashion and modeling to racing motocross and graphic design. The truth is, as long as there is some aspect of design in my life with a little bit of adrenaline, I am ready to take on the world.

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